Devoxx, is a developer community event that takes place every year in Belgium. This year during Monday the 10th until Friday the 14th in October, the conference comprised of 5 full days of sessions where the developer community got together, networked, listened to inspiring talks from industry-leading experts, and explored the latest trends in technology. Java, Cloud, Big Data, Security, Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Programming Languages, Methodologies and Developer Culture made up the key topics discussed at the event.

PHILOSHOPERS once more could not be absent from such event. This year, our developers Kyriaki and Georgia had the opportunity to attend Devoxx. From conferences and deep dives, that talked about topics in detail, to tools-in-action and hands-on labs, that presented new technologies and were interactive, it was an excellent chance for them to develop professionally and grow their career by networking, learning new skills, and finding out what’s new in the developer world.
PHILOSHOPERS also never miss the chance to explore each place they go. Therefore, our developers made sure to enjoy the beautiful scenery and walk around the impressive streets of one of the largest cities in Belgium, Antwerp. The city, known as the diamond capital of the world, had a rich experience to offer.

There are a lot of interesting things about Belgium. French fries were invented there, as well as spas, cricket, and the theory of the big bang. Also, some of the world’s best painters originate from Belgium and it has the greatest number of castles per square mile in the world. Even the fact that Belgium’s national symbol is that of a urinating boy, makes it a truly unique country.

At PHILOSHOPIC we might be able to live without coffee, but we cannot imagine a world without chocolate. Our developers, as you might expect, adventured into Antwerp’s chocolate museum, and brought us back some of Belgium’s finest souvenirs – chocolate!

We look forward to next year’s Devoxx!
And who knows? You could be the next PHILOSHOPER to attend the following event somewhere around the world.